The Other Ten Essentials, Continued
Five More Things You Can’t Buy, From Patience to Joy
Farwell’s “The First Five Essentials” should be with everyone venturing away from home into the unfamiliar. But they’re not enough. You also should have “The Second Five Essentials” If you always have them with you whenever you venture forth, you’re not likely to find any challenge too great. That’s a pretty big return on a small investment of time and sweat, isn’t it? I think so, at any rate, and I’m betting you’ll agree.
by Farwell Forrest | November 17, 2017
First published, in somewhat different form, on December 12, 2006
Many years ago, the Seattle Mountaineers hit upon a clever way to remind ounce-paring climbers that there were some things they simply couldn’t afford to leave behind: The Mountaineers compiled a list of must-have gear, the aptly named “Ten Essentials.” It was a very good list, too, containing — in an accolade borrowed from an early 19th-century seaman’s handbook — nothing that was superfluous, yet including all things that were useful. Not surprisingly, then, this list remains as valuable today as it was when first published, for climbers and paddlers alike. But it has its limitations. As … Read more »